Need a good laugh? These memes (and wine—lots of wine) are getting us through quarantine with kids (for now).
Send help.


Us, after this is all over!

Tortilla chips are made from corn and that’s nutritional, right?

We’re trying our best.

Anyone else hiding in their bedroom closet right now?

Oliva Kate, Interior Designer

Oh, what we wouldn’t give for a nap…

Like clockwork.

Mullets are making a comeback anyway, right?

Go watch TV, kids.

Heads up, 7-Up (and please send help)!

*Cries into glass of wine*

All of us right now…


Modern-day math equations FTW.

The Mensch on the Bench has mysteriously disappeared, too…

Time for a field trip, kids!

Mommy needs a cocktail.


Wait, what?

More At-Home Activities for Kids:
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