Fun Town is, well, true to its name. My daughter loved the Volvo Driving School, where kids can drive their own mini electric cars and practice steering, turning and braking. It features one course for kids ages 3 to 5 and another for kids age 6 to 13 (the latter course’s drivers being more orderly than the former!). Aspiring aviators will appreciate rides Flight Squadron and Sky Patrol, while marine aficionados can steer their own boats at Skipper School. For kids a tad older who like a challenge: At Kid Power Towers, riders help hoist themselves to the top of a tower before dropping down.
Like Pirate’s Shore’s Splash Battle, the Police and Fire Academy is where a group can work together for a shared goal: in this case, to race other fire trucks in reaching a fire and putting it out. The popular Sky Cruiser draws some of the bigger lines, and kids will get a thrill out of pedaling their vehicle along the elevated track; if you want to tackle this ride, go early or late.
Not to be missed in Fun Town is a LEGO Factory Tour for a look at the making of LEGOs; rare is the parent who can deny their child’s entreaty to purchase individual LEGO bricks for sale after the tour. One of our visit’s many high points was watching a wacky show at the outdoor Funtown Stage.